

Забастовки железнодорожников и метро в апреле и мае 2024 года.

Забастовки в апреле и мае 2024.

Работа метро Лондона будет нарушена 8 апреля и 4 мая, так как водители проведут две 24-часовые забастовки. 16 железнодорожных компаний также собираются устроить новую волну забастовок.

Забастовки железнодорожников пройдут 5 апреля затронут Avanti West Coast, East Midlands Railway, West Midlands Trains и CrossCountry.

6 апреля забастовки затронут поезда Chiltern, GWR, LNER, Northern и TransPennine.

8 апреля забастовки затронут водителей Greater Anglia, c2c, GTR Great Northern Thameslink, Southeastern, Southern/Gatwick Express, South Western Railway main line и депо, а также SWR Island Line.

Участники также откажутся работать в выходные дни с четверга 4 по субботу 6 апреля и с понедельника 8 по вторник 9 апреля.

Tube services will be disrupted in April and May as drivers stage two 24-hour strikes.

Drivers who are members of ASLEF, the train drivers’ union which represents 96% of train drivers in Britain, will walk out from their roles on the London Underground over pay and conditions.

They will strike on: Monday 8 April Saturday 4 May

Rail strikes also taking place

Drivers at 16 rail companies are also going to stage a fresh wave of strikes, plus a six-day overtime ban, their union ASLEF announced. Both strikes are part of a long-running dispute.

The rail strikes will take place on:


Friday 5 April Strikes will affect Avanti West Coast, East Midlands Railway, West Midlands Trains, and CrossCountry.

Saturday 6 April Strikes will affect Chiltern, GWR, LNER, Northern, and TransPennine Trains.

Monday 8 April Strikes will affect Greater Anglia, c2c, GTR Great Northern Thameslink, Southeastern, Southern/Gatwick Express, South Western Railway main line and depot drivers, and SWR Island Line.

Members will also refuse to work their rest days from Thursday 4 to Saturday 6 April and from Monday 8 to Tuesday 9 April.

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