В Великобритании продлят господдержку бизнеса и граждан.
Sunak to extend rate relief and furlough Chancellor plan further tax boo t for ho pitality, retail and lei ure,...
Sunak to extend rate relief and furlough Chancellor plan further tax boo t for ho pitality, retail and lei ure,...
Prime mini ter et to unveil three- tage roadmap on 22 February Bori ‘optimi tic’ about ea ing lockdown a he...
One in five going into workplace unnece arily amid UK Covid cri i Employer are putting worker at ri k and...
Brexit co t will be four time greater for UK than EU, Bru el foreca t Departure to co t EU 05% of GDP but UK 225%...
Covid lockdown would la t until late May if UK followed I rael' new rule The Government ha promi ed an exit...
'No better time than now' for change , ay Matt Hancock The NHS in England i to be reformed o health and care...
UK Foreign Mini try warn that China will no longer recognize Hong Kong’ dual citizen Если...
Revealed: Queen lobbied for change in law to hide her private wealth Судя по&nb p;служебным...
Ru ia ha extended flight with the UK until February 16 По сообщению оперативного...
Bori John on pu he to reopen chool a Covid ca e fall Главный санитарный врач...
EU citizen offered financial incentive to leave UK European national added to voluntary return cheme, which can...
Quarantine hotel could co t familie thou and Traveller arriving back into the UK could have to pay thou and of...
Full UK border clo ure 'con idered' by government, ay Environment Secretary George Eu tice На этой...
Fine of £800 for anyone attending a hou e party of more than 15 people will be introduced in England from next week,...
There a May ha accu ed her ucce or Bori John on of "abandoning" the UK' moral leader hip on the world...
All adult in UK to be offered Covid vaccine by September, ay Raab Сейчас вакцинация...
The new fare will come in from March 1 2021 Mayor Sadiq Khan ha announced fare hike acro the London tran port...
UK hut travel corridor and require negative Covid te t to enter Правительство Бориса...
В среду, 13 января, премьер-министр Борис Джонсон настоял на том,...
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