

oeing 737 MAX 8 авиакомпании Southwest Airlines упал.

Boeing 737 MAX 8 авиакомпании Southwest Airlines упал

Начато расследование после того, как Boeing 737 MAX 8 авиакомпании Southwest Airlines упал «в пределах 400 футов» от Тихого океана. 

Самолет упал с максимальной скоростью около 4400 футов в минуту у побережья Гавайев, прежде чем вернуться в безопасное место. Это произошло после ряда опасений по поводу безопасности самолетов Boeing MAX.

В результате самолет оказался в опасной близости от столкновения с Тихим океаном.

Boeing 737-800 – это поколение 737 до более новых MAX, которые столкнулись с рядом проблем с безопасностью, включая инцидент, в котором выпал кусок фюзеляжа, и две аварии, которые приостановили флот.

Investigation launched after Southwest Airlines Boeing 737 MAX 8 drops ‘within 400ft’ of Pacific Ocean

The jet plunged at a maximum descent rate of about 4,400ft per minute off the coast of Hawaii before climbing back up to safety. It comes after a series of concerns over the safety of Boeing MAX aircraft.

The Federal Aviation Administration is investigating after a Southwest Airlines flight came within 400ft of the ocean following an aborted landing attempt.

The Boeing 737 MAX 8 plunged at a maximum descent rate of about 4,400ft per minute off the coast of Hawaii before climbing back up to safety on 11 April.

During the go-around – when a plane flies back up in the air after deciding not to land – the first officer “inadvertently pushed forward on the control column while following thrust lever movement commanded by the autothrottle”, according to a memo sent to pilots and seen by the Reuters news agency.

The action sent the aircraft dangerously close to hitting the Pacific Ocean.

Safety data confirmed the crew received a “DON’T SINK oral warning” followed by a “PULL UP oral warning”, the memo said, but the first officer later said the crew did not hear the warnings.

There were no reports of injuries.

It comes as a separate Southwest Airlines Boeing 737 MAX 8 suffered damage to its infrastructure after it experienced what is known as a “Dutch roll” during a flight from Phoenix to Oakland in California on 25 May.

Boeing 737-800s are the generation of 737s before the newer MAXs, which have been hit with a series of safety concerns including a incident in which a chunk of fuselage fell out and two crashes which grounded the fleet.

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