

Риши Сунак столкнулся с бунтом.

Цена хаоса

Лейбористы запустили веб-сайт «Цена хаоса», который критикует объем государственных расходов при Риши Сунаке, запущенный сайт, призван подсчитать стоимость решений, принятых Сунаком.

С тех пор, как Риши Сунак вступил в должность в октябре 2022 года, перманентное состояние беспорядка в его правительстве обошлось налогоплательщикам в £8,200,000,000 и привело к 314 потерянным дням.

Запущенный сайт, направлен на подсчет затрат и убытков, из-за решения принятых премьер-министром Великобритании.

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Веб-сайт «Цена хаоса»

Labourunveils ‘cost of chaos’ website as it attempts to draw economic competence battle lines

Labour will attempt to fight the Tories on economic competence in its latest campaign stunt, as it unveils a “cost of chaos” website totting up government spending under Rishi Sunak.

The website, launched today, aims to count the costs of decisions made by Mr Sunak, including scrapping the northern leg of the HS2 rail project.

A month before the May local elections, Labour suggests the cumulative costs of “VIP helicopter rides”, by-elections, fixed rate mortgages coming to an end and other economic decisions mean the Conservatives have “wasted” £8.2bn.

Meanwhile, it suggests 314 days could be lost due to government reshuffles, parliament finishing its sitting days early, and the prime minister waiting until January to call a general election at the last possible moment.

Pat McFadden MP, Labour’s national campaign co-ordinator, said: “Rishi Sunak has presided over a Conservative Party in chaos and has saddled the taxpayer with the bill.

“These shocking costs are the result of a party out of ideas, more interested in looking inwards than facing, and delivering for, the country.”

Hitting back, Richard Holden, chairman of the Conservative Party, said the website was a “desperate attempt to distract from the scandal engulfing Angela Rayner and Sir Keir Starmer’s top team”.

He added: “Instead of wasting time with dodgy websites, the Labour Party should set out their plans.

“But the truth is they can’t because they have no plan for this country, and that means they would take us right back to square one with higher taxes, more borrowing and higher unemployment.”

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