Взлеты и падения Терезы Мэй
Взлеты и падения Терезы Мэй – женщины политика, бывшего премьер-министра Великобритании. Выход Британии из Европейского Союза истощил её энергию, её пребывание на посту закончилось эмоциональным прощанием.
Взлеты и падения Терезы Мэй за три года ее пребывания на посту премьер-министра с 2016 по 2019 год.
Theresa May to stand down as an MP: The former prime minister’s highs and lows in Downing Street
It started with a pledge on the steps of Downing Street to tackle “burning injustices”, but Brexit sapped her energy and her time in office ended with an emotional goodbye.
As Theresa May announces she is stepping down as an MP at the next election, we take a look back at the highs and lows from her three years as prime minister from 2016 to 2019.
The PM emerged from Downing Street on Friday 24 May and announced she would resign as party leader on 7 June, allowing the process of choosing her successor to begin.
Mrs May said he had “done my best” to sort out Brexit, but acknowledged she had failed.
Fighting back tears, she said she was leaving “with no ill will”, adding that she was “the second female prime minister but certainly not the last”.
Concluding her statement, Mrs May broke down as she said it had been “the honour of my life” to serve “the country that I love”.
Having faced accusations of being emotionless and robotic, there was a rich irony in the fact that Mrs May displayed such vulnerability only at the end of her time in Downing Street.
This ultimately went nowhere, but it was viewed as a further example of a PM who was in office but seemingly not in power.
She also stoked anger in her party by reaching out to Mr Corbyn and offering cross-party talks in an effort to break the impasse.
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